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Maintain Your Tires With Stoiched Automotive

Old, worn-out tires can affect your car’s performance, and tires in bad condition can affect your safety on the road. Stoiched Automotive offers complete tire care for all makes and models of cars, trucks, and SUVs, foreign and domestic. Our tire service center team can handle diagnostics and inspections, balance and alignment issues, and tire installations in Appleton, WI. We carry a full line of tires from top manufacturers, and we can help you pick a set that is the right size and meets your driving habits and budget.

Our Tire Maintenance Services

Our tire service center crew offers comprehensive tire services that keep your car operating safely. We also offer tire maintenance services to prevent tire problems before they happen. Tire maintenance will save you money in the long term, as you won’t need to replace your car’s tires as often. Our tire services include:

  • Tire Inspections – Our honest tire inspections can save you time and money and prevent inconvenience and safety issues on the road. We’ll give you an honest assessment of whether you need tire repair or a new tire installation.
  • Tire Rotations – Depending on your driving habits and your car’s make, model, and age, you should get tire rotations every 6,000 miles. Tire rotations improve your gas mileage, extend the lifespan of your tires, and prevent tires from wearing unevenly.
  • Tire Repair – We can assess your tires and determine if tire repair would be cost-effective and safe depending on the age and condition of your tires. If you have a tire problem that can be safely repaired, we’re happy to do so. Look for signs you need tire repair, such as cracks or bulges, abnormal bouncing, and poor braking performance.
  • Balancing – When you schedule a new tire installation, we’ll make sure they’re balanced for even driving and optimal performance.
  • Alignments – Depending on your driving habits and your car’s make, model, and age, you should get alignments every 6,000 miles. You might have an alignment issue if your car’s steering wheel is off-center or pulling to one side when you drive.
  • Tire Installation – If your tires are too old or damaged, we won’t recommend tire repair because it could affect your safety on the road. We can replace your tires with new ones from one of the top manufacturers of tires.

Signs You Need New Tires From Our Tire Service Center

If you notice early warning signs that you need to replace your tires, you can prevent the stress and headache of getting a blowout or flat tire on the road. Replacing your tires early will keep you safe while driving and help maintain your car’s overall performance. If you see any of these signs, you need to replace your tires:

  • Tread Depth – Take a penny and insert it with Lincoln’s head down into the tread of your tires. If Lincoln’s head remains visible, your tires don’t have enough tread, and you should visit a tire service center for a new tire installation.
  • Tread Wear Indicator – Newer tires have a tread wear indicator bar that is invisible or barely visible when tires are new. As the tread wears down, this line starts to appear gradually. They resemble flat rubber bars that run perpendicular to the tire’s treads. If you see one or two visible on the tire, the tread is getting too low, and you should visit a tire service center for an inspection.
  • Sidewall Cracks – Inspect your sidewalls visually and look for cracks or cuts. Any grooves visible to the naked eye are a warning sign that your tires are close to developing a leak.
  • Bulges and Blisters – As the outer surface of your tire weakens, it might develop bulges or blisters. These weak spots put you at risk of a tire blowout while driving. If you notice bulges or blisters, immediately bring your car to a tire service center.
  • Heavy Vibration While Driving – If your tires are misaligned or unbalanced, or your car’s shock absorbers are wearing out, your car will experience heavy vibration. Even if the tires aren’t to blame, they will get worn down much faster with heavy vibration.
Tire Sales In Appletion, Mi

Maintain Your Tires With Stoiched Automotive

Old, worn-out tires can affect your car’s performance, and tires in bad condition can affect your safety on the road. Stoiched Automotive offers complete tire care for all makes and models of cars, trucks, and SUVs, foreign and domestic. Our tire service center team can handle diagnostics and inspections, balance and alignment issues, and tire installations in Appleton, WI. We carry a full line of tires from top manufacturers, and we can help you pick a set that is the right size and meets your driving habits and budget.

Trust Your Car With the Tire Experts at Stoiched Automotive

We operate our tire service center with honesty, integrity, and transparency. Our team has decades of experience assessing, testing, and diagnosing issues with car engines, tires, electrical systems, and all other components. We provide thorough testing and diagnostics and honestly assess whether you need new tires. We’ll never try to sell you a product or service you don’t need, and we always fully explain the problem and our solution so you can make an informed decision. Our goal is to get you safely back on the road as soon as possible.

Contact Our Tire Service Center in Appleton, WI

Visit our tire service center in Appleton, WI, today if you need an inspection, diagnosis, or a new tire installation. We can assess your car, diagnose and fix balance and alignment issues, or offer tire rotations and repairs. Contact us or fill out our online form to schedule a free preventive maintenance inspection (which does not include diagnostics or testing) to see if you need tire services.

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