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guy checking engine

Brian Burroughs

Apparently saying “It’s Gucci” means it’s all good. Fortunately for the rest of us, Brian has kept us up on the modern slang. He puts a lot of pride in making sure the vehicles he touches are Gucci.

Dan Lyons

Dan Lyons

He will have an engine in and out in the time it takes most of us to finish our morning coffee. Oddly enough, in his spare time, he also works on cars and has built a sweet El Camino, and when he finally crawls out from under the hood, he likes to escape to the Dells to enjoy some fruity Daquiris.

Joe Janssen

Joe Janssen

The man, the myth, the legend. He is a professional bowler whose wife only beats him occasionally. Fortunately, bowling hasn’t earned him enough to step away from his true calling of repairing vehicles and making fun of Brian.

Alex Nelson

Alex Nelson

A cryptocurrency mogul: Could his crypto holdings allow him to retire? We don’t know… But we’re confident he would stick around for his love of auto repair and serving the good people of our community.

Terry Timm

Terry Timm

Terry has done an incredible job bridging the gap of communication between technicians and vehicle owners. We were a little confused when he asked if all his 401k contributions could be invested in Trans Am parts and Bert Reynolds memorabilia. But hey, what are the odds the S&P beats Burt…

Cindy Cerny

Cindy Cerny

Cindy spends her time making sure if we are taken away in handcuffs, its not by the IRS. And we sincerely appreciate her bookkeeping skills. She spends most of her free time yelling at her son and trying to bankrupt the casino.

Ryan Cerny

Ryan Cerny

The kingpin of this automotive regime. Focused on building a culture our team and guests enjoy by playing his favorite songs on repeat in the shop multiple days in a row, having the guys stay late to finish up projects, forgetting to bring donuts to morning team meetings, and showing leadership skills by pretending to be the best at everything.

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