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About Stoiched Automotive

Stoichiometry – the relationship between the relative quantities of substances taking part in a reaction or forming a compound.

I’m sure you remember that from high school chemistry. In the automobile engine, this reaction is the combustion of fuel and air. When utilizing a balanced combination of both, your engine runs optimally, and those of us in the automotive world consider this relationship stoich. For one nerdy automobile technician, this concept made perfect sense to birth the name of our organization, Stoiched Automotive; with the goal of keeping the vehicles in our community running optimally, and delivering on that promise in an honest and efficient manner.

stoiched motive logo showroom

What We Do

We have built a culture around achieving this goal amongst a team of great individuals who have a passion for automobiles and working with their hands. Unfortunately, we feel these traits haven’t been championed in the school environment the way they once were, and because of that, we have made it our mission to promote and support these programs where we can. You can feel good knowing when you go to Stoiched Automotive, you are assisting in our efforts to give back to multiple high school level skilled trades programs including Skills USA, shop class equipment, and monetary donations.

Customer Reviews

Need a Tow?

We can arrange one for you.

Relax in our comfortable waiting room with free coffee and cold beverages.

In a Hurry?

Drop your vehicle off and Request a digital inspection report that allows you to approve or decline advised repairs and maintenance from your mobile device before the work begins.

Reports come complete with advised repairs, technician notes, and photos where necessary.

Schedule an Appointment