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Keep Your Engine Healthy With Car Engine Repair

Your car’s engine and transmission work together to make sure you have a smooth ride. Problems with your car engine or transmission will get worse over time, so it’s best to catch them quickly. At Stoiched Automotive, our team has decades of experience recognizing the warning signs that you need car engine repair in Appleton, WI. We can quickly diagnose problems with your car’s engine and transmission and find the fastest, most effective solution. Keep your engine healthy by servicing the engine and transmission system of your car.

Engine Testing Repair And Replacement in Appletion, Mi

Strengthen Your Engine Maintenance Plan

An engine maintenance plan can protect your car’s engine and transmission from problems in the future. Signing up for an engine maintenance plan will save you money over time because you can lower your risk of needing costly repairs. We offer engine testing and maintenance, and we can help you avoid the need for expensive car engine repairs and engine replacement due to damage. We work on all makes and models of vehicles, foreign and domestic. We can service the engine and transmission system and perform a complimentary preventive maintenance inspection (which does not include diagnostics or testing) to assess your car engine and transmission’s overall health.

Understanding Automatic Transmission Systems

An automatic car transmission system can shift gears when it senses a change in throttle response, vehicle load weight, and speed. New small and hybrid cars have a continuously variable transmission (CTV) system that uses a pulley system instead of gears to power the wheels. We can check your car’s transmission performance using our state-of-the-art tools and expertise and determine if you need transmission repair.

Understanding Manual Transmission Systems

A manual transmission system requires the driver to use the clutch and gear shift simultaneously to change gears manually. Based on road conditions, speed, and acceleration, drivers can tell what gear their car needs to be in.

Signs of Transmission Problems

Several different issues can cause transmission problems. Our team can perform a thorough, preventive maintenance inspection (which does not include diagnostics or testing) of your car’s engine and transmission to troubleshoot problems and figure out what’s going on. We also offer state-of-the-art diagnostic testing to determine what is happening and find the best solution. Pay attention to how your car sounds and drives, and see an expert if you notice any of these signs of transmission problems:

  • Your car is leaking red fluid
  • Your car is shaking and/or frequently stalling
  • Your car makes a grinding noise when you change gears
  • You smell a burning smell inside your car or outside near the engine
  • You can’t change gears smoothly, and there is hesitation, jerking, or the gears change without you initiating it

Signs You Need Car Engine Repair Services

The sooner you catch warning signs of car engine trouble, the easier it is to fix them. Wait too long, and the problem will get bigger and more expensive. Some car engine problems don’t make the ‘check engine’ or ‘service engine’ light go on, so paying attention to how your car behaves is important. Don’t hesitate to bring your vehicle to us for an inspection or state-of-the-art diagnostic testing to detect problems. Signs that you need car engine repair services include the following:

  • Sudden or recurring loss of power
  • Your check engine light or service engine light turns on
  • Strange smells inside the car or outside near the engine
  • Your car engine is making a knocking or popping noise, or is it backfiring
  • Your car engine isn’t as powerful as it used to be, and you’re getting less gas mileage
  • Your car keeps stalling when you start it up, brake, accelerate, or during extreme temperatures

Contact Us for Car Engine Repair Services in Appleton, WI

It is important to contact us if you see any warning signs from your car that you need to service the engine and transmission system in Appleton, WI. We pride ourselves on operating with integrity and transparency in every area of our business, and we provide honest inspections and expert car engine and transmission repair services. We’ll never try to sell you something you don’t need, and we always fully explain what is wrong with your vehicle and how we plan to fix it. Reach out to us to schedule a free preventive maintenance inspection (which does not include diagnostics or testing) of your car engine or transmission.

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