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Expert Drivetrain Repair Services

Your car’s drivetrain is a group of parts that work with the engine to move the wheels and other parts of the car to drive it into motion. The drivetrain components are the transmission, differential, driveshaft, axles, CV joints, and wheels. If any of these elements is damaged or malfunctioning, it can affect your car’s overall performance and threaten your safety. At Stoiched Automotive, we want all of our customers to have peace of mind that their vehicle is operating safely and correctly. Due to the difficulty of drivetrain repair, we don’t recommend you attempt it alone. Our team of experts can diagnose the underlying issue with your car’s drivetrain components and provide expert, reliable drivetrain repair in Appleton, WI.

Drivetrain Repairs & Maintenance in Appleton, WI


Drivetrain inspections and maintenance can ensure all components of your car’s driving system are functioning perfectly and are in good shape. Scheduling routine preventive maintenance will reduce your risk of future problems that could be very expensive to fix or that could threaten your safety while driving. We offer comprehensive auto maintenance and drivetrain maintenance services, including:

  • Oil changes
  • Checking for leaks
  • Cooling system flushes
  • Servicing the differential
  • Cleaning the fuel injectors
  • Replacing valve cover gaskets
  • Draining and filling transmission fluid
  • Cleaning and lubricating combustion chambers
  • Inspecting and replacing your car’s serpentine belt, motor mounts, air filters, transmission filter, or timing belt


In order to protect your safety while on the road, you should be aware of the warning signs of a problem with your drivetrain system. If you notice any signs you need drivetrain repair, see an expert right away:

  • You notice a burning smell while driving
  • You feel vibrations or shaking while in gear
  • Any of your dashboard indicator lights are on
  • You hear a grinding noise when you gift gears
  • Your car is leaking red or brown transmission fluid
  • You hear a howling or squealing noise when you brake
  • Your car won’t engage while in gear; you can’t switch gears

Why Drivetrain Problems Occur

Because the drivetrain system is complex and consists of many different moving parts, there are a lot of factors that contribute to needing drivetrain repair services:

  • Octane Rating – Poor fuel quality can also cause drivetrain malfunctions.
  • Fuel Injectors – Clogged or damaged fuel injectors can cause poor combustion and power loss.
  • Spark Plugs – Old or worn-out spark plugs can cause engine malfunctions and poor performance.
  • Fluid Issues – You need to check, maintain, and replace your engine, transmission, and differential fluid.
  • Driving Habits – You can damage your drive axle if you frequently go over potholes, speed bumps, or other obstacles at high speed.
  • Fuel Pump – An old, damaged, or faulty fuel pump can cause an inconsistent fuel supply, which will cause a loss of power and drivetrain malfunction.
  • Ignition Coil – If your ignition coil is too old, it can’t provide enough electricity to the spark plugs, causing rough idling and power loss. It might fail if the engine coil is overheated or exposed to vibrations.

Trust the Experts for Drivetrain Repair

Our team is committed to providing the highest level of service while maintaining honesty, integrity, and transparency. We want our customers to be able to make informed decisions about their car maintenance and repair services, so we offer as much information as possible and are happy to answer any questions they have. When you come to us for drivetrain repair services, we’ll run our diagnostic testing process to find the underlying cause of your car problems and identify the component(s) or part(s) needing attention. The difficulty of drivetrain repair services means you should always visit certified auto technicians with years of experience in drivetrain repair and diagnostics.

Contact Our Team To Schedule Drivetrain Repair Services

Contact our experts to schedule an inspection of your drivetrain system or expert drivetrain repair in Appleton, WI. We’re happy to do a free preventive maintenance inspection (which does not include diagnostics or testing) and determine if you need drivetrain repair services. We can also run our full, state-of-the-art diagnostic testing process. Contact us to schedule an appointment.

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