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Top Fleet Maintenance Service Provider

Your fleet is a significant investment, and it’s essential to keep it in peak working condition with regular maintenance and repairs. At Stoiched Automotive, we have the expertise and knowledge to provide comprehensive fleet maintenance services in Appleton that will keep your fleet running smoothly. Our team of highly trained technicians is committed to providing you with reliable, cost-effective solutions for all types of commercial fleets. We are so confident in our services that we back all of our work with a satisfaction guarantee, ensuring that we will exceed your expectations.

fleet maintenance with man holding pad in his hand

What Is a Fleet Vehicle?

A fleet vehicle is classified as any car, truck, van, or SUV used for business purposes. Fleet vehicles are typically owned by businesses and organizations that use them for transportation of goods and services. The purpose of owning a fleet is to have multiple vehicles available to transport people and items quickly at different times.

Comprehensive Fleet Services to Keep Your Team Moving

At Stoiched Automotive, we offer comprehensive fleet maintenance services to keep your team moving. Our experienced technicians specialize in preventive maintenance, repairs and inspections for all types of vehicles. Whether you need help with engine or brake repair, tire rotation or other service needs, our certified staff is here to help.

Our services include:

Vehicle repair

Don't let a breakdown keep you from making a sale. We can fix just about anything, whether that means replacing a faulty part or just giving your vehicle an oil change.

Vehicle maintenance

Proper maintenance helps you avoid problems in the first place. Our maintenance services include fluid checks, filter replacement, and set rotation.

Maintenance & Repair

It’s hard to make a profit without a working fleet. That’s why we offer preventive maintenance services to help you avoid problems before they happen. Our technicians know that every type of vehicle is different, which is why we provide tailored solutions for each vehicle in your fleet. Our fleet maintenance services include, but are not limited to:

  • Routine Maintenance
  • Total Productive Maintenance
  • Condition-Based Maintenance
  • Corrective Maintenance
  • Breakdown Maintenance
  • Periodic Maintenance

Why Choose Us

Our work is backed by a guaranteed warranty. What does that mean for you? Your business gets the highest quality service possible performed by ASE-certified technicians. All of our repairs are backed by a  2-year/24,000-mile warranty, and we don’t begin any work without your explicit approval. It’s easy to reach us by phone, so you can approve a project from the comfort of your home or while you’re on the go.

Our Additional Services

In addition to our fleet maintenance services, Stoiched Automotive offers:

Schedule Your Fleet Maintenance Services Today

Get back on the road with our reliable fleet maintenance services in Appleton. Stoiched Automotive is your go-to resource for keeping your vehicles in working order. Our team of certified professionals has experience with a broad range of makes and models, so you can trust we’ll provide the necessary service to keep your fleet in top shape. Contact us today to get a service estimate.

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